
8 May 2024 (Wednesday) - Tip Run, Carpentry

I woke a tad earlier than I might… I did have an alarm set. I watched another episode of “Missions” in which the writers again proudly showed their ignorance. So many sci-fi shows do this; a decent plot, believable characters… completely impossible scenarios. Why don’t the writers spend a few minutes talking to someone who knows about that which they clearly don’t?
I then had a look at the internet. There was quite a bit of talk about the Eurovision Song Contest this morning. For me it is like football in that I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever, but everyone else seems to love it> I’m in a very small minority and I really wish I knew what I was missing.
The results of last week’s election of the Kent police commissioner had been announced. The incumbent retained his position… but with only twenty per cent of the electorate bothering to vote, it was hardly a ringing endorsement for the chap. And three thousand people spoiled their ballot papers. Had I bothered going up to the voting booth and drawing a big knob on the paper, I wouldn’t have been alone in doing so.
Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs in bed I set off on a little mission. Pausing only briefly to cap five urban fits (it’s a Munzee thing) I went to the tip and unloaded my rubbish. As I heaved poggerd stuff into the tip some chap was struggling to get what I can only describe as a huge wide flattish bath out of the back of his pickup truck. I asked if he was seriously getting rid of it? He asked if I wanted it, so I pointed out what a wonderful pond liner it would make. The chap’s face lit up; this had never occurred to him.
With rubbish gone I came home, collected the dogs and went to the woods. We had a good walk; marred only by one little episode. As we walked we saw some woman fighting with a huge Alsatian. She clearly had no control over it, and with it being on a lead it was pulling her everywhere. Morgan and Bailey watched from a distance of ten yards. The woman saw them and started hysterically shrieking “On the lead! On the lead!” I called over to ask what she was shrieking about. She shouted that it was impossible to control a dog if it was off the lead. I whistled; Morgan and Bailey came straight back to me. I smiled at the idiot woman, shrugged, and walked off.
Four miles later we got back to the car, and found that whilst we’d been walking someone had closed the road from the A251 to the woods. I discovered that *after* I’d driven through the closed bit. According to the internet there’s a gas leak down the road past the woods. I shall pretend I don’t know anything about it when I drive through tomorrow.
We came home for a cuppa, then I popped to Wickes for a couple of garden sleepers. I then sawed them into bits, dug out one of the balustrades I salvaged from the old seat we used to have by the pond (until I put my arse through it) and painted them all up… Once I’d dug the paint out from underneath and behind everything else in the shed which I’d put on top of and in front of when I’d tidied the shed last weekend.
I also found a load of stuff that I’d meant to take to the tip this morning… woops!
I shall finish building my carpentry once the paint has dried.
I thought about fiddling about some more, but instead got my seeds in to soak then sat by the pond reading my Kindle until it was dinner time. We scoffed dinner whilst watching more “Race Across the World”. I find myself wondering more and more about how they got the contestants for this show; They probably could have got contestants less suited to race across the world, but it would have taken some doing.

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