
26 May 2024 (Sunday) - Lazy Day

Yesterday had been rather full-on for the dogs, They slept well last night, and consequently so did I. We all slept well last night. Yesterday had been spent being constantly surprised at how early the time was as we’d had a very early start. Today with a rater late start we were constantly surprised t how late it was.
We started the day with a rather good bit of brekkie, and then the morning was rather odd. We slobbed, and played “Whack-a-mole” on the infinity table and waited until shortly after mid-day when the weather forecast reckoned we’d have some dry weather.
We then took a little walk up the road hunting out a couple of geocaches there, We found one, didn’t find the other, and Bailey rolled in something disgusting.  We then walked the other way down the lane and found two more geocaches. No one rolled in anything, but by then the damage had been done.
We came back to base; the plan had been to have a short walk before the forecast storm hit. We scrubbed the dogs then sat in the garden having a crafty drinkie until the storm hit… the storm never did.
Eventually we wandered inside where having scoffed a very good bit of dinner we then played all sorts of games on the Infinity table as some of us set about the port and cheese.
I took a few photos today. The plan is for a more eventful day tomorrow. If nothing else we’ll have to go out for beer… we’ve run out.

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