25 May 2024 (Saturday) - Fulbourn and Ely

There’s no denying we had something of an early start today. So much so that when I went to make the bed there was a minor earthquake as Morgan was still in it.
We’d got the car mostly loaded up yesterday evening; we got the last of the luggage into the car and were only ten minutes late getting away. We made good time up the motorway, and soon met up with Karl, Tracey and Charlotte at Duxford McDonalds where sausage and egg McMuffins went down rather nicely. For most of us. Having had the sausage Treacle then refused manky old egg.
From Duxford it was a short up to Fulbourn where we had a rather good walk. It was a shame the grass was wet; it was a bigger shame I’d left my gaiters at home. But we were soon out of the wet grass and onto
drier ground. It was good to go on a rather epic walk; I quite miss those. It was only a shame the rain started rather earlier than forecast. But we were only ten minutes form the pub, and as we scoffed a rather good dinner so the rain dried up.
We drove on to Ely to get supplies. Karl and Tracey went into Teco; the rest of us went for a little wander to find the Ely Giraffe. And with giraffe found we made our way back to Tesco. Whilst some of our group spent a small fortune in Tesco, I needed the loo. I asked the security guard where I might find the gents. He told me outside; it was a supermarket and not a public convenience.
I told the manager we'd take our custom elsewhere in future...
From Tesco it was a short hop to the Old Red Lion; out home for the week. We’re staying in a converted pub. It’s rather good. It’s a shame there’s a hole in the garden fence big enough for me to climb through, but the dogs have only gone out once. Hopefully I’ve bodged it closed.
We had a rather good dinner of various pizzas, but the early start and twenty-two thousand steps took their toll. I spent much of the evening fast asleep on the sofa.
I took a few photos as we went about today. Mind you being Saturday I rather missed Dog Club and Steve’s competitions on the radio. 


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