
23 May 2024 (Thursday) - At The Doctor's

I slept reasonably well last night. The CPAP machine still smells funny, but you soon go nose-blind. I made toast and had a little look at the Internet. It was still there. A pub in Hastings Old Town is closing, and on one of the local Facebook pages was a rather bitter and nasty argument about whether or not that pub was welcoming. I’ve only ever been in there once, and at the time it was all but empty.
The same Facebook group was having a rant about a statue of Hastings which had a road cone on its head. The statue of Queen Victoria in Warrior Square has regularly had a road cone on its head for as long as I can remember. There’s quite a few very vocal people in Hastings Old Town’s cyber-community who’ve only just moved there.
I woke “er indoors TM and the dogs, and took the dogs out. As we drove the Prime Minister was being interviewed on the radio. He was trying to defend his government; I felt a little sorry for him. He’s trying his best to do something about illegal immigration, and inflation has come down massively during his government. But his government is just one year old following thirteen years of Conservative disaster. People still remember Liz Truss’s comprehensively and deliberately bolloxing the economy and Boris Johnson’s constant stream of lies. To be fair to the Prime Minister, he would have done so much better on the radio this morning had he not ended every utterance by saying just how crap he thought the opposition would be.
We got to the woods and had a rather good walk. As we went we met three other dog walkers, and each encounter passed off without episode, which was something of a result.
Once home I popped up to the corner shop for pastries.I sorted a cuppa with those, wrote up a little CPD then set off to see the GP. My left knee is a worry. I can and do walk four miles without issue, but it *really* hurts when going up or down stairs or getting into the car.
I got to the surgery and sat in the waiting area, and it soon became clear that I was the odd one out. Everyone else going in to see a doctor or nurse wasn’t alone. Most people seemed to be going in as part of a group of at least three or four. When I went in I apologized to the doctor that I hadn’t brought the entire tribe along. She chuckled, asked me a few questions, had a poke and a prod and asked if I wanted her honest opinion. Expecting the worst I said that I did. She said that she was sending me for an X-ray to be sure, but she thought that my knee was giving me gip because that’s what happens when you get old. She also gave me pain killers for free – free because now I am old, I don’t have to pay for prescriptions.
I popped to Tesco for the shopping I’d forgot to get on Tuesday, came home, and I got the lawn mower out and mowed the lawn. And then spent the best part of an hour connecting an outlet to the bath I got at the weekend. I hope it’s watertight. Then bearing in mind the doctor’s advice not to overdo it, I sat by the pond reading for a bit, then watered the plants, and played “Candy Crush”.
I resisted the temptation to put the bath into place – I shall do that when I’ve got more time to spend on it and when I’m not taking it easy

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