
21 May 2024 (Tuesday) - Rain Stopped Play

I didn’t sleep that well; the new CPAP machine has a very funny smell, and the hose pipe is totally inflexible.
I peered into the Internet as I scoffed brekkie as I do most mornings. Two friends were having birthdays today. Friends from the good old days of kite flying. Really good friends… such a shame they live so far away.
Another friend was griping about getting so may adverts for funeral plans. Some people get rather upset about the thought of their own croaking. Me; I get more upset about the thought of having a eulogy blathered by some vicar who had no idea who I was (as actually happened with my father-in-law and brother-in-law), to say nothing of the dogs being put into a dog orphanage. I’ve left instructions… and my own eulogy too.
I got the dogs onto their leads and I took them up to the woods. The sky was overcast as we started, and as we walked along the top of a rise we found ourselves going parallel to some strange woman in the valley below. This woman had two dogs at which she was constantly shrieking and blowing a whistle. I have no idea why she was shrieking at the dogs; they seemed to be minding their own business. It strikes me that half the trick of getting dogs to do as they are told and to come when called is to leave them be for the most part. They aren’t daft. I only call my three back when there is a reason; usually because there is a Forestry England lorry or a horse coming down the track toward us. The dogs see the lorry or horse and seem to understand why I’m calling them. In the past when I was constantly calling them back they soon tired of it.
Just as our walk took us to the furthest point from the car so the heavens opened. According to the weather forecast the rain was due to start just about when we would have got home after the walk. Clearly the weather hadn’t heard the forecast. We were all soaking wet by the time we got back to the car.
We came home for warming showers and dry pants. I made a cuppa for me and for “er indoors TM who didn’t want cake. What was that all about?
With cuppa guzzled I popped to Tesco for milk. The shop over the road from us sells milk, but I watch the stuff get delivered before six o’clock on the mornings when I am up silly early. On other days I see it sitting in the morning sunshine as I go to work an hour or so later. And on other days I see it finally get taken into the shop when I take dogs for a walk at nine o’clock. It’s hardly surprising that their milk never lasts more than a day.
I got to Tesco; it was heaving. Having narrowly avoided some silly old git’s trolly a dozen times, his wife apologized to me, snatched the trolly from him and told him that he couldn’t push the trolly any more as he keeps crashing into other people. It was only at that point that the old git seemed to realized there was anyone else in the shop but him.
I got milk, wine, port and cakes… and completely forgot all the other stuff I’d gone to Tesco to get.
With the rain showing no sign of letting up I spent an hour or so solving geo-puzzles. As I puzzled I had a message. Favourite oldest granddaughter had passed her driving test. Having recently changed her instructor as she was fed up with constantly being told how bad she was, she can’t have been that bad.
I then cracked on with the ironing. As I ironed I watched a film on Netflix. “Billy Eliott” was rather good… but was strange in that whoever had actually put the film together had ballsed up with the sound. Sometimes I couldn’t hear it and had to crank the volume up. Other times it was deafening.
I wrote up a little CPD, and then did the “Feed The Fish” ritual with the dogs. Or with Treacle at any rate. With the rain not letting up the other two weren’t going outside.
“er indoors TM  boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we washed down with the plonk I’d bought earlier. At just over three quid a bottle, it wasn’t bad really.
Today was a tad dull. The rain started at half past nine this morning and didn’t let up all day. There was so much else I could have done.

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