
22 May 2023 (Monday) - Feeling (Very) Tired

I still felt rather grim when I woke. I sorted some toast and put on an episode of "Shameless". The show has now got to the stage at which what were once minor characters are now the focus of the story. This is either a sign of excellent writing... or because who used to be the lead characters have all had a better offer elsewhere. I'm not quite sure which is the case here.
Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs fast asleep I walked seemingly miles to find where I'd left the car after Saturday's Dog Club... and then drove back home to collect all that I'd forgotten to pick up. Woops.
As I drove I heard that "Operation Brock" was being re-instated for the bank holiday weekend.
Mind you, "re-instating" Operation Brock just means that the left hand two lanes of the motorway are in use rather than the right hand two lanes. The M20 hasn't been a proper motorway between Ashford and Maidstone for years.
As I drove and stopped and drove and stopped, amongst the drivel spouted by the pundits on the radio was an interview with the Labour party Leader Sir Kier Starmer. Despite not being able to complete a single sentence (because the interviewer simply wouldn't let him speak) he tried to outline his plans for the NHS. I formed the impression that what he is proposing sounds ambitious, but I have no idea what he is actually proposing as he couldn't get more than six words out before being interrupted. He was allowed to speak a little more on the subject of immigration. He made the (very valid) point that businesses and industry (and the NHS) are employing skilled immigrant workers as the country's schools and universities aren't coming up with them. When I used to interview people I found this was an issue fifteen years ago... and nothing has changed in the meantime.
What with the delays on the motorway I was only an hour late getting to work. I did what I couldn't avoid. At tea break I finally got round to having a look at the Internet. There were photos of Jimbo and Emma; having got married on Saturday they are now in Greece on holiday, and having a good time too (by the look of the photos).
I capped a Tree House (I've got two at work!) and got fifty Zeds as a reward (which is worth about twenty-five pence) and had an email from the solicitor. The solicitors of the chap who is hopefully buying Dad's house are concerned that the house is "in an area with potential ground stability issues".
All I can say is that Dad’s family have lived in that area for at least a hundred years and I've never heard anyone talk about subsidence.
Mind you, you never know until the house collapses, do you?
“er indoors TM boiled up sausages and chips and went bowling, and I found myself enthralled by a documentary about dinosaurs presented by Stephen Fry. It was really good… and I was rather disappointed to wake up to find I’d slept through the last half of it.
I’ve been incredibly tired today… Can’t imagine why… (hic!)

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