
20 May 2023 (Saturday) - A Wedding

With no alarms set I had a better night asleep, even if I did make the schoolboy error of popping to the loo in the small hours, thereby leaving half the bed undefended and open to canine invasion. After a little battle to regain enough space for myself “er indoors TM started snoring loud enough to wake the dead.
I made toast and (as I do) had a look at the Internet. It was still there; it hadn’t changed. Trivia and squabbles abounded. One of the Facebook pages I follow is that of a local lake the owners of which seem to delight in being as rude and obnoxious as they possibly can to anyone who might be considering giving them good money. And again this morning they were doing their best to send potential customers to the opposition (of which there is plenty).
We got the dogs onto their leads and set off to the Repton estate. Whenever we go to the woods they just sit quietly in the boot; today there were squeaks and squeals of excitement when we were still a mile from the place.
Dog club was very well attended today. However spring was in the air, and there was quite a bit of “dog piggy backs” going on. Morgan and Bailey got involved in all sorts of games with the bigger dogs. One of the largest dogs tripped over Morgan; I didn’t laugh much…
Treacle started well, but became more withdrawn as more and more dogs arrived.
As we drove home (and on the way there too) we listened to Steve on the radio, and got a mention too. I wonder how many other people on the way home from Dog Club wonder why we get mentioned and they don’t. I wracked my brain over the mystery year competition. It was obviously some time in the mid 1980s… eventually I narrowed it down to 1984.
The answer was actually 1992. Woops.
We stopped off at the co-op for milk and bread and Belgian buns… and then had to tell the woman on the checkout *not* to put the milk on top of the buns as she packed the bag. I couldn’t work out if she was blissfully unaware that half a gallon of milk would squash the buns, or whether she simply didn’t care.
We had a cuppa and the (non-squashed) Belgian buns, then I set about more of the paperwork for Dad’s house. The solicitor had sent back the Fittings and Contents Form with a query, and I had to chase up a replacement Electrical Installation Condition Report. All piddling little things, but things which needed doing.
Whilst I piddled about with paperwork “er indoors TM brandished her new carpet washing device.
I am reliably informed the living room carpet looks wonderful now…
Leaving the dogs under the watchful eye of “My Boy TM” and Cheryl we set off to the Leas for a wedding. The Metropole was a rather nice venue, and James and Emma had a very good wedding service.
We went into the garden with a glass of champagne and then I went to the bar for gins and tonics. And I chuckled a bit. Have you ordered a gin and tonic lately? What sort of gin? What flavour? What sort of tonic? Ice or not? Lime or lemon? And meanwhile the bottled ales are all in the fridge!
We then went in for a spot of dinner. There weren’t as many red wine drinkers as there might have been so I ended up polishing off two bottles of the stuff. Then I discovered the stout. There was amaretto and cigars too…
It all got rather vague toward the end. Not a bad way to catch up with old friends. Must do it more often…

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