
27 January 2023 (Friday) - Rostered Day Off

I didn’t sleep well last night, and again lay wide awake for seemingly hours. I got up far earlier than I needed to, “did” the puppies, and watched more “Star Trek: Discovery” before turning on the lap-top and spending yet another age trying to get the Firefox browser to actually do anything at all. Mind you when I say  do anything at all”, the thing was clearly doing all sorts of IT wonders that I can’t see. It just wasn’t actually doing the job I needed it to do.
Eventually it got going.
Last night I had a friend request from an incredibly epically chested young lady. I have it on good authority that she is supposed to look “sexy” but personally I find her rather scary. The friend request was still there thing morning but I thought better of accepting it. She doesn’t look like the sort of person you could take home to meet your mother. I could imagine “er indoors TM laying an egg had My Boy TM” brought home something like that.
In the past Facebook has often presented me with the chance to get better acquainted with epically chested young ladies, but more and more I’m now getting videos of crocodiles in my Facebook feed. I can’t really understand why the algorithms at Facebook HQ would think I’d be interested in either when most of what I post about is either dog- or Lego- related.
I had an email too. Whilst my Lego mast is still in the international distribution centre in Chicago, the nice people there have told Royal Mail it is on the way, and Royal Mail have told me they are poised (like coiled springs) waiting for its arrival.
As “er indoors TM  and the wolf pack emerged from their pit I set off Folkestone-wards. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM”, was having another driving lesson and I had to supervise “Darcie Waa Waa TM (“Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM” was at school). I got there and peered through the window at Pogo who was desperately trying to swallow the mouthful of brekkie he was half-way through munching before he could bark.
Daddy’s Little Angel TM” went off driving (with strict instructions not to mow anyone down). “Darcie Waa Waa TM grizzled for twenty minutes then went to sleep, and the two of us dozed whilst Netflix played “Bebefinn”. Am I alone in thinking that the mother in “Bebefinn” is *far* sexier than that which sent me the Facebook Friend request overnight, even if she is boss-eyed.
Daddy’s Little Angel TM” returned having not mowed anyone down. I came home, collected the dogs and took them to Kings Wood for a walk. We had a good walk. The puppies were amazingly well behaved; coming to me whenever called. They can behave when they want to, and when they do as they are told it is incredibly impressive to any onlookers. It is only a shame that we are currently only running at (perhaps) a seventy per cent success rate, but (as I keep saying), they are both works in progress.
We came home where I spent a couple of hours ironing. As I ironed I watched episodes of “Four In A Bed” in which the most picky people were actually the ones with most to pick fault about.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching another episode of “Junior Bake Off”.
For a supposed day off I’ve been rather busy…

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