
24 January 2023 (Tuesday) - Road Trip (?)

I felt rather grim when I woke this morning, and thought about phoning in sick. But I got up and got on with life, and by the time I was chivvying puppies round the garden (five minutes later) I'd forgotten that I was feeling grotty.
I made toast (with the jam I'd bought yesterday) and scoffed it as I watched more "Star Trek: Discovery", then had a little look at the Internet.
There was yet more upsets about geocaching…On January 8th I mentioned a Geocaching Adventure Lab that had been set up in Westminster in such a way that it could be logged from miles away. Being able to log it from miles away was arguably a tad cheeky, but made it rather good fun. At the time I said “I suspect that geo-HQ will lay an egg when they find out about it. Log it while you can”. Apparently someone has complained to Geo-HQ and had the thing shut down.
The whole idea of geocaching (like any hobby) is that it is supposed to be fun. Some get the fun from going out hunting for the caches. Some enjoy setting hides for others to find. Some like sharing their favourite walk. For me I like the opportunity to go out on a guided walk with friends. But (sadly) there really are those who get their enjoyment from appointing themselves referee and demanding a slavish adherence to their personal interpretation of the rules from everyone else. I wish they wouldn’t. Bearing in mind the hobby is clearly dying on its arse, why are these people trying to kill it?
I also saw that my rating with Credit Karma has dropped by eleven points. I wonder why. They always tell me when my rating goes up or down, but never give any reasons or explanations.
I headed off to Pembury again. As I drove along the A28, A262 and A21 in the dark maybe one driver in ten dipped their headlights.
There was a lot of talk about managers of football teams on the radio this morning. The manager of Everton looks set to get the sack because the team are losing every game they play. How is that his fault?
And there was an interview with the manager of Darvel FC who are doing far better in some contest or other than anyone had ever expected. As always, whoever it is that organises these interviews had done absolutely no preparation whatsoever. Rather than talking about the prowess of his football team, the chap being interviewed was drivelling on about his son's birthday and his entry in the Scottish Pie Contest which took place today (he didn’t win). 
It was all rather embarrassing really; those conducting the interview said as much.
I got to work, made myself a cuppa then launched myself into the day's work. After half an hour the boss came up to me, and with a rather sheepish smile asked if I wouldn't mind going to Maidstone for the day as they were rather short-handed.
There are those who would say I’d been messed about in this way. I wasn't at all bothered. I saw it as a rather good skive; I drove to Maidstone quite happily singing along to "Ivor Biggun" songs as I went. The only problem was that I got to Maidstone to find that the works car park was full. Having driven round it (in the hope that someone would go) for half an hour I eventually gave up, drove half a mile down the road and parked in a random back street.
Work was work; and with it done I walked back to my car to find a minor disaster. The screen thingy which shows the radio stations and reversing indicators and car status has stopped working. The radio and reversing beepers still work, but the screen just has the Skoda logo and nothing else.
I shall see about getting it fixed… later…
But driving home was far easier than I had originally thought. Rather than negotiating the tortuous bends of the country lanes masquerading as A-roads I stuck on the cruise control and went straight down the motorway.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we washed down with a bottle of Montepulciano. With change out of a fiver from Sainsbury’s you really can’t quibble about the stuff. And with dinner scoffed and more plonk still to be swilled, I set about a lump of cheese and crackers. I ate cheese and shared the crackers with the dogs. They love dry crackers – silly pups.
As we scoffed and drank we watched more “Junior Bake Off”.
Not a bad evening really…

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