
10 January 2023 (Tuesday) - A Glass of Wine

I heaved my carcass out of its pit this morning far earlier than I would have liked, did my usual morning routine, and as I scoffed toast I watched the first episode of "The Pentaverate". Starring Mike Myers it is described as a comedy, but it is more "funny WTF?" rather than "funny ha-ha". I can remember watching Mike Myers for the first time and during his act whenever he cracked what he thought was a joke he would then stare at the camera as though to prompt you that it was funny. Sadly this is something he's stopped doing over the years; if he still did it, I for one would know when I was supposed to laugh. Once you get the hang of his humour (and of the show) it is quite amusing, but it takes some getting used to.
Leaving everyone fast asleep I set off to work... once I'd scraped the ice from the car. It was a cold morning today. With “er indoors TM still using my lunch box as a backup biscuit barrel I went to the co-op to get a sandwich. I smiled at the woman behind the counter, and that was a red rag to a bull. Oh, she was in a bad mood. Not happy at all. Some people really shouldn't work with the public, should they?
As I drove up the motorway there was a lot of talk on the radio of the UK's first mainland space launch that went up last night. Sadly it didn't go up quite far enough. There was "an anomaly" and the whole thing ended in failure. So far it seems all that is known is that the thing failed because of "an anomaly", but that didn't stop the radio wheeling on an expert to spend ten minutes saying that he knew nothing. This expert refused to be drawn on how much money went down the toilet with the rocket's failure. Can you blame him. Were the satellites insured against being pranged on blast off?  Amazingly there are about twenty companies which offer such insurance.
There was also talk about how the government is bringing in anti-strike legislation so that if there is a strike in a hospital or other public service institution, certain minimum service levels must be maintained. I wonder exactly what those minimum levels would be? Quite likely lower than whatever is being achieved on a daily basis already, I expect...
I got to work for the early shift, and did my bit. As I peered down the microscope so my phone rang (well, wibbled as it was on silent mode). “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” had taken “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TMto the dentist for a filling. I am reliably informed that he wasn’t keen on it. I have vague recollections of “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” once biting a dentist so I suppose “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TMnot being keen is something of a result.
With work done I came home and got home just as it was getting dark I took the dogs round the roads, then all four of us settled on the sofa and Alexa played instrumental music whilst we all slept for over an hour until “er indoors TM came home. She boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the second episode of the latest season of “Lego Masters: Australia”. And then cheese and red wine… The dogs all sit with me and they get cheesy biscuits. They love it – it is clearly one of the highlights of their week. In years gone by dogs got cheese, but when poor Fudge had blood tests his cholesterol was through the roof. The vet could never understand why… I could. No cheese for dogs these days.
And in closing today… My phone has been talking to my watch (oh, brave new world…) and together they have decided that over the last week I’ve walked more than two thousand steps per day than the average person of my age. I’m in the top sixteen per cent of everyone who records their steps.
So the burning question must be “why am I such a fat sod?

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