
29 December 2022 (Thursday) - Nose Bleed(s)

I had a look at the Internet as I scoffed toast this morning. I did chuckle as someone had joined the Adult Lego Facebook group and on seeing the word “adult” had totally misunderstood what the group was all about and who was in it. Having made all sorts of comments about the sad sacks that play Lego and how he would “entertain their bored partners he then found out that the vast majority of the group’s members are women. Quite a few of their partners were chipping in offering games of “fencing with the pork sword”, and the sad sack who’d made the offer was getting rather offended and really did seem to think that blokes on the other side of the world were going to forcibly “do the dirty deed” on him.
There was also quite a bitter tirade on a Dalek-related Facebook group about the amount of religion-related content appearing on that page.
I went through my emails and unsubscribed from all sorts of things I’d never subscribed to in the first place, then got ready for work.
My watch had registered thirty-eight steps before I’d even picked it up this morning.
With my sandwich box still full of biccies I drove round to the co-op to get lunch. Today’s co-op assistant asked if I had a co-op card. I had and I brandished it… and she took fifty pence off of the bill. Yesterday’s co-op assistant didn’t do that.
The radio was rather interesting this morning. There was talk of Russian cyber-attacks in their ongoing war with Ukraine, talk of internet security, and a tour round GCCHQ (as best as you can tour on the radio). Today’s guest editor was the head honcho of GCHQ and he was far more interesting that any other guest editor who has ever been wheeled on.
I got to work, and immediately skived off to get a flu jab. Mind you it wasn’t the skive it once was. Going to the occupational health department was a walk of two minutes today. Back in the day when I worked at the (now demolished) Royal East Sussex Hospital the occupational health department was at the (also now demolished) St Helen’s Hospital on the other side of town, and a trip there and back could be spun out over an entire morning.
Having said that, I can’t remember ever being offered a flu jab in the three years that I worked there.
I had a rather good day today doing microscopy training, but there was a minor disaster at lunch time. I had a nose bleed. As a child I had them all the time. At least once a day, and often more. Despite having had my nose cauterised many times they still kept coming. And the worst thing about nose bleeds is that *everyone* has a cure for nose bleeds that simply doesn’t work. And the less often anyone has had nose bleeds, the more forceful they are with their useless cures. A lifetime’s experience of the things has shown me that absolutely nothing works better than bunging up your nostril with some bogroll and waiting for the bleeding to stop. And any cure which works with the same efficiency as bunging up your nostril with some bogroll and waiting for it to stop is either uncomfortable, painful or both.
If you have a cure for nose bleeds which *isn’t* bunging up your nostril with some bogroll and waiting for it to stop, take it from me, forget it.
With work worked I came home to find “er indoors TM had done an incredible job of tidying up, but had a thick lip where one of the dogs (probably Morgan) had head-butted her in excitement. Dogs do that; they don’t mean any harm, they just get over-excited.
“er indoors TM went up the KFC for dinner. We scoffed it whilst watching “Gangsta Grannie”; another wonderful bit of telly which I’d managed to miss for over nine years.
The plan was that I would have some reaction to the flu jab necessitating me taking tomorrow off sick… so far I’ve had no reaction at all…

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