
25 December 2020 (Friday) - Early Shift (!)

"er indoors TM" had the place lit up like Piccadilly Circus shortly after midnight and was having quite the rumpus with the dogs shortly before four o'clock when they suddenly all formed an alliance and captured all of the duvet from me.

I gave up trying to sleep, went downstairs and scoffed a bowl of granola whilst watching the second episode of "Alien Worlds". Today's episode looked at things which manage to live in the most extreme of environments and mentioned "Janus" - a fictional tidally-locked planet.


Expecting the motorway to be closed I left early for work. It was rather cold this morning, and sure enough the motorway was closed so I went up the A road. I could see hundreds of lorries queuing on the motorway, and as I went up the A20 I couldn't help but notice that pretty much every space on the roadside that was big enough had a parked lorry on it. I saw several of the drivers sitting in their cabs looking rather morose, and who could blame them. There has been such chaos caused by the French closing their border for only two short days.

As I drove I listened to the radio. Rather than the usual morning program, today they were broadcasting an episode of "Something Understood"; an hour long special which through great writers, poets and composers the presenter found comfort in the face of adversity... or so the BBC website said. Personally having listened to it for about forty minutes I thought it was a load of pretentious old tripe. Surely the BBC could have come up with something better for Christmas morning?

It really is as though the BBC are legally obliged to put on religious content, but knowing full well that hardly anyone will listen to it, they put minimum effort into it... or they deliberately put on a load of old crap as some sort of a joke.


I got to work. Looking back through my diaries I seem to work two out of every three Christmas Days. And it rather goes with the territory - hospitals don't close. I don't *really* mind working on Christmas Day, but if I had my time again I would work somewhere that (if only occasionally) puts up a "closed" sign.

Before I started I took a selfie and posted it to Facebook. I did that once where I used to work and received a written disciplinary warning for doing so, but now I am in a more enlightened working environment. I posted the piccie to both my own page and the works Facebook page, and the “likes” flew in.


Work was work; as is always the way, Christmas Day can be surprisingly busy. I was glad when the relief arrived.

I came home along as much of the motorway as I could, and down the A-road where the motorway was closed. At several points where the A-road was close to the motorway there were white vans parked and people unloading supplies for the lorry drivers stranded on the motorway.


I got home where we had a socially distanced Christmas dinner in which I ate and drank far too much…

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