
25 December 2011 (Sunday) - Christmas Day

Waking up on Christmas morning without the kids being home is odd. The house felt very lonely this morning. Perhaps I'm getting soppy in my old age.
"er indoors TM" eventually emerged from her pit, and as a special Christmas brekkie we had croissants and coffee. I suppose that there are those who would wonder what's special about croissants and coffee - all I can say is that I like them.

"My Boy TM" then arrived, and we had a pressie opening session. I got quite a decent haul of goodies, and then we set off to my brother's house for the day. We arrived shortly before mid day and had a crafty pint. And then another crafty pint, and a third as well before going to visit Elaine and Roy. Visiting was thirsty work, so we took up the offer of another pint.
And then back to my brother's house where ten of us sat down for Christmas dinner. Far too much Christmas dinner. Oh it was good - but the diet certainly went out the window today. And after having reached the point of being able to eat no more we wandered up the road to the garage to get some cigars: after all it was Christmas.

From that point it all became rather vague. There were games on the Nintendo Wii. There was more food scoffed. There was Christmas pudding. There was a crafty hour's sleep. We had a really good time, but all too soon it was time to come home. Amazingly I stayed awake for the drive home, and seeing that the Sky box was recording Downton Abbey, we watched some telly. I'd been looking forward to the new series of Ab Fab. I was disappointed: it was rubbish.
And I then tried to stay awake whilst Michael McIntyre's Christmas special was on the telly. I didn't quite succeed.

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