
8 May 2011 (Sunday) - Gone Fishing

Perhaps I slept too much yesterday evening, but I was up early this morning. Next door’s dogs were barking, and they were doing their recycling before 8am. Mind you, I’m not complaining – it gives me a free hand to make as much noise as I like. But it must be mayhem living next door. When I’m having a late night I can hear that their children are (usually) shrieking until 1am, and their dogs are barking before 6am. Do they never sleep?

With ‘er indoors TM off to the arky-ologee club’s seminar, I was left to my own devices. I mowed the lawn – always a good point at which to start. And then I swept the front and back yards. It’s amazing how much better they look for just having had a quick dust around. I then scurried up a dustbin bag full of rubbish. Our garden seems to be a magnet for unwanted cardboard – pizza boxes, lager cases; it all gravitates to the area outside the back door. It’s all bagged up now.
I then made a feature out of the new box we built yesterday. Having packed out the box with most of the wood off-cuts I could find, the box was all but full up. It only needed a light sprinkling of stones to make it look like it was full of stones. And then I popped a skull on top of it. When finances are better we might get something else, but we had an ornamental skull in the garden and it will do for now.

And then with the jobs done (and no money) I needed to have a cheap day. So I went fishing. I arrived at the pond to find no one was there, and I soon set up my tackle. In the past I used to fish with two rods. One rod for tiddler bashing, and a second rod dedicated for big fish. I’ve not tried a dedicated second rod for some time (because I rarely catch anything on it), but I gave it a try today, and nearly had success. One bite, and something big got away.
Mind you, I had two fish on the tiddler rod that were big enough to need the net, and several others which were almost big enough for netting.
After I’d been there for three hours the Folkestone contingent showed up. Between the four of us we caught over sixty fish. It was a really good afternoon: sitting in the sunshine, in a beautiful part of the world, with good friends. Must do it again soon. Next weekend…?

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