Earlier in the week I’d been told that today there would be an attempt to break the world record for the amount of people doing the Time Warp. That sounded like fun, so I registered on-line with the event, and was up at 6am and checking for emails. I was rather hoping for an email from the Rocky Horror people to give us the plans for today but nothing arrived. So we just drove off to deepest
We’d been advised to park outside of Brighton and take the bus in, but for the sake of a few quid we decided to park as close to the west pier as possible. Registration was scheduled to open at 10am, and we were there promptly. I must admit to feeling a tad misled by the organisers. I was under the impression that I would be able to buy racy undercrackers at the venue, and so I didn’t take any with me. On arrival I found that the only costumes they were selling were T shirts and pink boas, so my attire was somewhat tame compared to that of some of the other protagonists. But I think I didn’t look too out of place. Next time I’ll know better.
We then spent an hour or so photographing and being photographed, and trying to work out the gender (and species) of many of our fellow time warpers. Simon and Corrinne arrived and we dragooned them into taking part. I’m not sure that
Then it was mid day. Everyone came into the arena, and Richard O’Brien himself came onto the stage and led us all through two renditions of the time warp. Oh it was fun. And then he announced that there had been 1570 people taking part, and a new world record had been set for the amount of people doing the time warp at once. Oh yes…. I have another lame to fame.
On the way out I cunningly photographed a fit bird in a skimpy leotard. Well, it passed the time… My loyal readers can see highlights of the day (and of the fit bird in skimpy leotard) here.
To celebrate (both the world record and the fit bird in the leotard) we thought we’d have a crafty pint. We wondered about driving up to the Evening Star, but seeing the queue of traffic waiting to get into the car park, we thought we’d leave the car where it was and walk up. I’m assured there are better pubs in
And then home, and within ten minutes of arriving, we were off again to Shadoxhurst bonfire. First things first – luminous rabbit ears and toy light sabres. Burgers went down well, then we played on the stalls to see what tat we could win. I came away with two teddy bears and an inflatable dolphin. The fire was lit, and fireworks went off. You can’t beat a good bonfire and fireworks on a cold winter evening. And I even got a crackwatch photo too.
And then home to attempt to get the photos up on Facebook. Which was easier said than done. The Facebook photo uploader doesn’t seem to like to upload more than nine photos at once. Which is a pain when I’m trying to upload nearly a hundred photos…